Play Like a Champion is proud to introduce yet another new tool for partners looking to integrate faith into their athletic programs. Our Daily Prayers for Champions resource is now live online and can be accessed on the main page of our website at www.playlikeachampion.org or via the Daily Prayers link under the Resources tab at the top of the site.
A combination of prayers for coaches, parents and athletes, each day will feature a new prayer that you can offer yourself or take to your family or team. Coaches and parents are often looking for prayers that put sport in the context of our faith, praising God for His many blessings while imploring Him to watch over us while we practice, play, coach and even cheer on our athletes. We hope this new resource provides an opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ and help others to do so as well.
These prayers are accessible to all, so visit the Play Like a Champion website today and check back each day for a new prayer or to access the database of prayers that develops over time. If you have a suggestion for a prayer to appear in this space, please let us know at information@playlikeachampion.org!
Use an RSS reader? You can also sign up for the RSS feed to get prayers delivered to you daily by clicking the orange link at the top of the Daily Prayers page.