Join us as we meditate on scripture verses that relate to competition and sport. We invite you to simply read the scripture in a spirit of prayer, considering how this relates to your own life and role as an athlete, parent, coach or administrator. Ask God to help you grow closer to Him through an understanding of his Holy Word and pray that this scripture may inspire you in the days to come. A short prayer follows each verse.
1 Timothy 1: 18-19 “I entrust this charge to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophetic words once spoken about you. Through them may you fight a good fight by having faith and a good conscience. Some, by rejecting conscience, have made a shipwreck of their faith.”
Prayer: Lord, Grant that we may be strong in the virtue of fortitude, that we may always fight not only to achieve our goals but to remain strong in our faith. Amen.