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A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 2)

A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is usually prayed for a particular intention, either directly to God or through the intercession of a particular saint. Novenas originated with Jesus, who asked the apostles, his mother Mary and other disciples to gather and pray for the nine-day period between Christ’s Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

Each day will follow the same simple format, with individual intentions/prayers on each day. Follow along here each day and share this novena with children, parents and coaches!

Opening Prayer: St. Sebastian, Patron of Athletes, you lived in the early days of the church, when to be a Christian often meant to be persecuted for your beliefs and even die for your faith. As an Officer in the Roman Palace Guard, you are a shining example of strength and courage not simply through your physical presence but through your deep conviction in Christ. Your faithfulness stands as an example to athletes as we strive to grow strong not just in body, but also in mind and soul.

We ask you to pray for our team (my child’s team) (State a personal intention here).

Day 2: St. Sebastian, teach us to have courage in the face of adversity. As athletes, we encounter many obstacles, such as injury and set-backs. Help us to stand firm in our belief that you walk with us in our pain and that we can endure with your support.

Closing Daily Prayer: Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our team (name your school and team name), placed under his protection. Grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer in best preparation for our season, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


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