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A Coach's Prayer

O' gracious God, I thank you for calling me to the ministry of coaching. Help me to answer that call with a generous heart. Enable me to be a good coach, skilled, informed,

fair-minded and caring. Let me see beyond the rules of sports and catch their spirit. Grant me the wisdom to see that athletics are not only about healthy bodies but healthy minds, that sports are not only about victory but enjoyment, that competition is not only about winning but building community.

Let the mind of Christ inspire and guide my coaching so that I never lose sight of the dignity and worth of each and every person whom I coach. Help me to follow the example of Christ who coached not only by instruction but by encouragement and love. Finally, dear Lord, teach me and the athletes whom I coach to be grateful for your many blessings.

I make this prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Prayer by Jerry Creedon, Courtesy our Partners at Cathedral High School in Hamilton, ON (Website)

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