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Daily Prayers for Champions
Looking for a prayer for a specific group or purpose? Tags at the bottom of each prayer designate "categories" such as Coach Prayers, Athlete Prayers, Team Prayers and Parent Prayers. Once you have clicked on a prayer below, click on one of the tags at the bottom of that prayer to get a list of similar prayers. You can also access a PDF version of these prayers by clicking here.

A Prayer for an Injured Teammate
Lord, I ask for your blessing on (Teammate's Name) who has been injured. May you give him comfort and healing. As you healed the blind,...

A Prayer for Coaches
Father in Heaven, You have entrusted to my care the souls of these young (men/women, boys/girls) and called me to coach them. Grant that...

A Prayer for Those Who Play Sports
O God, We Pray for all who participate in youth and high school sports. May their hearts be open to see your presence in and through the...

A Prayer for Healing from Injury
Saint Raphael the Archangel is the patron saint of healing. In Hebrew, his name literally means "God heals." We can find Raphael in the...

A Sportsmanship Prayer
Dear God, Help us to play to the best of our abilities and to show good sportsmanship. Please let us be respectful and to remember it is...

An Athlete or Team Prayer
Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete...

A Coach's Prayer
God, grant me the insight to see the potential in every player; Patience to encourage improvement; and character to always set a winning...

A Basketball Player's Prayer
The following prayer was submitted by Mike Owens of Austin, Texas. This beautiful prayer is written for basketball, but you can easily...

A Prayer for Parents on a New Team
Heavenly Father, As our child embarks upon this journey with a new team, we ask your protection and blessing. We thank you for this...

A Prayer for Parents
Lord, I ask you to bless my son (daughter) as he (she) participates in this athletic season. Help him to have a safe and fun experience....

The Angelus
A traditional prayer in the Catholic Church, the Angelus reminds us of the Annunciation and the Virgin Mary's great "yes" to God that...

A Prayer for Teams
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of our team and this game we play together. May we be steadfast in working toward our goals...

A Prayer for the Upcoming Season
Dear Lord, we thank you for the gift of this team and the journey we are about to embark upon. As we begin this season, we ask that you...

A Prayer for the Servant Leader
Lord, as we discern the meaning of our call to servant leadership, help us recognize the ways you seek to minister through our lives....

A Servant's Prayer for Athletes
Lord God, you call us to live life in all its fullness, following the path set out by Jesus your Son. As we reflect on Jesus’ leadership...

St. Joseph the Worker Prayer
Practice can be hard work and this popular Christian prayer can be used for athletic teams as well as traditional workers. Try using this...

A Coach's Prayer
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is frustration, let me show patience. Where there is confusion, clarity. Where...

An Athlete's Prayer
Dear Lord, help us today to truly rely on you in our play. Proverbs 3: 5-6 can give us inspiration, Have confidence in the Lord with all...

An Athlete's Prayer
As athletes, we seek to be strong. Help us grow in physical strength through our athletic training, but to always recognize that we...

An Athlete's Prayer
“Run as to win,” St. Paul instructed the Corinthians. In your example St. Paul, help us remember that the discipline it takes to endure...

An Athlete's Prayer
Today Lord we praise and thank you for the gift of playing the great game of (fill in your sport). We ask you to give us the grace to...

Prayer for the Servant Leader
“Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant … just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.” ~ Matthew 20...

Prayer of St. Francis (Prayer for Peace)
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt,...

Team Prayer
Lord Jesus, lead us in building your Kingdom here on earth, especially within our team. Help us to look beyond the everyday things and...
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