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Daily Prayers for Champions
Looking for a prayer for a specific group or purpose? Tags at the bottom of each prayer designate "categories" such as Coach Prayers, Athlete Prayers, Team Prayers and Parent Prayers. Once you have clicked on a prayer below, click on one of the tags at the bottom of that prayer to get a list of similar prayers. You can also access a PDF version of these prayers by clicking here.

A Prayer for Transformation
Loving Father, I invite you into my life today and make myself available to you. Help me to become the-best-version-of-myself by...

A Team Prayer
Loving God, the followers of Jesus were filled with zeal to lead others to Christ. Help us to grow in faith and love, so that we as...

A Sports Parent's Prayer
God, I thank you for the wonderful blessing it is to watch my children play sports. Thank you for the smile that it brings to their face...

A Coach's Prayer
Lord, help me to be for these children a model of faith and love. Through my words and actions, may I show them what it means to be a...

A Prayer for Teams
Heavenly Father, you sent John the Baptist to preach and baptize so that the world could be prepared for the coming of your Son, Jesus...

A Team Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Mother of God, we ask for your prayers during this practice that you might help lead us closer to God through our participation on...

David & Goliath: Scripture and Prayer for Teams
The story of David & Goliath is one that's familiar to most Christians and sports fans, as we regularly refer to "David beating Goliath"...

A Prayer for Athletes
Heavenly Father, through St. Paul you admonish us to "run so as to win" in our athletic pursuits, while keeping our eyes on the eternal...

An Athlete's Prayer for Sports Parents
God, thank you for the gift of my family and the sacrifices they make so that I can play sports. Thank you for their love and support,...

A Prayer for Athletes
God, you so loved the world that you sent your son to take on flesh and become man. That as one of us He would die for our sins and rise...

A Coach's Prayer (St. Joseph)
Dear God, you give us the example of Saint Joseph as a leader and a protector of the Holy Family, a man of great love and faith to whom...

A Prayer for Athletes
Almighty God, we praise your holy name and rejoice in the gift of this day, our families, teammates and coaches. We thank you for the...

A Prayer for Athletes
Lord, you give us the example of service as the path by which we can love others and seek to follow you. Help us to learn from your...

A Prayer for Athletes
Lord, you are the Good Shepherd. Protect us and lead us so that we might have eternal life. Help us to learn to lead others as you do,...

A Lenten Prayer for Ash Wednesday
God of goodness and mercy, Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart...

A Prayer for Teams
Heavenly Father, you show us examples of great mercy throughout every generation. Let us follow the example of Christ, that we may show...

A Prayer for Athletes
Lord, we rejoice in the love you showed us, even unto death on a cross. May we follow your example of love and return that love to you...

A Prayer for Athletes
God, thank you for the many gifts that you have given us and all our friends on this team and in school. Thank you for our parents,...

A Prayer for Athletes
Lord, you have called us all to be saints. May our actions here on earth be worthy of this title so that we may one day spend eternity...

The Beatitudes: A Prayer for Athletes
The Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-10). Jesus teaches us that if we live according to the...

The Coach's Prayer
Lord, when I pick up the whistle, lace up my shoes and walk out of the locker room, I coach for You alone. There is no turning back. In...

A Prayer for Athletes
Heavenly Father, you form in us a conscience that helps us to understand good and evil. Be with us and help us to understand how to make...

The Athlete's Prayer
Dear God, we thank you for the wonderful blessing of this team. Hear our prayers both now and always, helping us to understand that you...

A Prayer for Coaches
Dear Lord, Guide me as I try to coach this team, to build each player's character and boost their self-esteem. May I keep an even temper,...
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