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Daily Prayers for Champions
Looking for a prayer for a specific group or purpose? Tags at the bottom of each prayer designate "categories" such as Coach Prayers, Athlete Prayers, Team Prayers and Parent Prayers. Once you have clicked on a prayer below, click on one of the tags at the bottom of that prayer to get a list of similar prayers. You can also access a PDF version of these prayers by clicking here.

An Athlete's Prayer
Help me to play the game, dear Lord, with all my might and main; Grant me the courage born of right, a heart to stand the strain… Send me...

Prayer to Play Fair in the Game of Life
Dear Lord, In the struggle that goes on through life We ask for a field that is fair, A chance that is equal with all the strife, The...

A Prayer for Athletes
God, Let me play well but fairly. Let competition make me strong but never hostile. Forbid me to rejoice in the adversity of others. See...

Don't Quit
Lord, When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road I'm trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are...

A Prayer for Protection
Protecting God, As we enter into this competition, we pray for our protection and for the protection of those with whom we will compete....

Reflecting Your Presence
Lord Jesus, You tell us that whenever two or more are gathered In Your name, You are present in their midst. And so we are confident that...

Sportsmanship Prayer
Lord God, our Heavenly Father, We thank you for this opportunity to gather together this afternoon/evening in competition. We ask that...

Blessings on an Athletic Event
Heavenly Father, We ask Your blessing on all those who Gathered here for this event. We trust the youth of our world to Your care. We ask...

An Athlete's Prayer
For I asked God for strength that I might achieve, Instead I was made weak that I might learn to humbly obey. I asked for help that I...

A Team's Prayer for Coaches
God, our Father, We pray for our coaches. We thank you for their unselfish dedication to the team. We thank you for the hours they have...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 9)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 8)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 7)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 6)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 5)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...
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