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Daily Prayers for Champions
Looking for a prayer for a specific group or purpose? Tags at the bottom of each prayer designate "categories" such as Coach Prayers, Athlete Prayers, Team Prayers and Parent Prayers. Once you have clicked on a prayer below, click on one of the tags at the bottom of that prayer to get a list of similar prayers. You can also access a PDF version of these prayers by clicking here.

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 4)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 3)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Novena Day 2)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Novena for Sports Teams through Saint Sebastian, Patron Saint of Athletes (Day 1)
A novena is a traditional Christian prayer that takes place over the course of 9 days (the Latin novem translates to nine). The prayer is...

A Prayer for Justice
St. Irenaeus said, “The glory of God is people fully alive.” A fully alive person has knowledge of what is true, good and beautiful. A...

A Prayer for Fortitude
St. Irenaeus said, “The glory of God is people fully alive.” A fully alive person has knowledge of what is true, good and beautiful. A...

A Team Prayer
Dear God, Help our team to set goals that are challenging and that help us become stronger, faster and more precise. Help us to build...

A Team Prayer: Playing for the Greater Glory of God
Dear God, you gift us with the privilege of playing sport. Thank you for our arms that enable us to throw; our legs that allow us to run...

A Prayer Before a Game
God our Father, You have created us to strive for the best. Grant to all athletes, coaches, and fans, strength to pursue excellence...

Prayer Before a Game
Almighty God, You are the source of all our gifts and talents As participants in (Insert Name) sports, Please help us to represent You As...

Prayer for Athletes
God our Father, help us to put forth our best effort, to represent our school with class, to respect our opponents, and to grow as...

Play Like a Champion Pre-Game & Post-Game Prayer
Play Like a Champion Pre-Game Prayer Please bless today’s game, our opponent, our team, and all watching our play. Thank you for the...

Coach Prayer for Young Athletes
Heavenly Father, be with my young athletes as they test their physical skills. Let them play well, but fairly. Let competition make them...

A Team Prayer
God has created this day for … Gain not loss, Success not failure, Positive action not negative thought. Lord, inspire us with the desire...

A Prayer for Athletes
Thanks God, for giving me life; and talents for my participation in sports. Help me to play well, to use my powers to the full, to see...
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